The project

The genesis of this project ... 

Why this site? 
When Dad passed away, we were surprised and very impressed to discover the mass of documents of all kinds that he left behind. 
Of course, we had always seen him scribbling, painting, sketching, caricaturing ... but we were far from imagining the profusion and especially the quality of his work. 

It seemed unthinkable to us to archive all this in a corner of the attic and not to let YOU enjoy it. 

... But where to start? 

A little lost in the face of the abundance of work, we contacted his close friends, also artists and having known him well, so that they could come to the rescue and share their experience with us. 
Together, we have chosen to give you only a part of Papa's overall work, the one that, in our eyes, seemed the most interesting and representative of his talent.  

After countless hours of sorting, analysing, reflecting, researching, photographing, scanning and retouching, this site has been created and has taken over a year to come to life. 

We, his children, would like to warmly thank Bruno Gazzotti and Olivier Labalue for their unfailing support until the end. 

Special thanks to his friends Luc Collin, Georges and Luc Van Linthout, Pascal Motte dit Falisse, Eric and Marc-Renier Warnauts, Ralph Meyer for their precious artistic advice and their availability. 

This site would never have been possible without the tenacity and competence of Benoit Pironet, who was particularly keen on making this beautiful tribute to his father-in-law (with the help of his trainee Magomed XXX, who tore his hair out on some technical aspects). 

May you wander through this site as well as through the extremely rich universe that Papa left us as a legacy. And ... let you write a little blurb in his memory in the space provided. 

Have a nice visit/discovery to all, 

Thomas and Virginie Hubert